Mark Ehlert wrote:
As someone who's training others on RDA, I concur that parts of the
new code are, if not impenetrable, certainly a tough row to hoe.
Chapter 17 has been a real bear for me, for instance, though I think I
finally managed to wrap my head most of it recently.

The trouble is that you don't do cataloging just by applying a
code of rules, but in a system that gives you forms to fill and
options to decide and such. That's very much the environment
catalogers live in and are used to. Their language consists of
MARC tags and MARC field names, mostly. This will have to be adapted
to RDA, or the other way - or it's not going to work. Even if much
were to be accomplished along that line of reformulation or retraining,
there's still the question of efficiency when you consider that the
new code doesn't actually do many new things but more of the old
and familiar ones, only in a more thoroughly conceptualized framework
of thinking, coooked up by database engineers.


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