These corporate body access points for persons holding an office are strange 
hermaphrodites that are peculiar to the Anglo-American tradition, I think.  The 
idea of using both a corporate heading for the official and a personal name 
heading for the same person on records for official communications was an 
anomaly in AACR2, and even more so in RDA.  It's not a case of 2 different 
entities having responsibility for the communication; it's 2 different ways of 
approaching the same entity.  It would be better handled through cross 
references on the authority records, which are made already, than with 
redundant access points on the bib records.  We could also consider whether 
these constructed access points for officials make any sense to anyone but 

John Hostage
Authorities and Database Integrity Librarian
Langdell Hall
Harvard Law School Library
Cambridge, MA 02138
+(1)(617) 495-3974 (voice)
+(1)(617) 496-4409 (fax)

-----Original Message-----

It doesn't say that anywhere, although you are correct that in the 
examples we carried over the practice of making an added entry for the 
person holding the office.  Basically, it's a judgment on what entities 
are responsible for a resource, and I think one could argue that while the 
government official has chief responsibility for an official 
communication, the person holding the office also has some kind of 
responsibility and it would be justified to record an access point for 
them.  But RDA removed the explicit instruction to do so, so it leaves it 
to catalogers to judge which entities are responsible.  If the community 
feels strongly that there should be an explicit instruction, it could 
propose a revision to RDA through one of the bodies represented on the 
Joint Steering Committee.

You'll notice also in in the first section of examples "One 
Person Responsible for the Creation of the Work" that we put an example of 
something that was not an official communication, where only the access 
point for the person is recorded:

John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005
Authorized access point representing the creator for: The role of the 
Christian in the world / Pope John Paul II. Not an official communication

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