Benjamin accurately said:

>I would just point out that, for most if not all of us, a hybrid catalog is=
> already the norm.  For example, plenty of pre-AACR2 records persist (parti=
>cularly for serials) in our catalog as in LC's and the like.

The differences between the red and green books, AACR1, and AACR2
records were not as dramatic as those between AACR and RDA.  I doubt
if many patrons notice 2d vs., 2nd, ill. vs. illus., nor ISBD
punctuation.  Spelled out abbreviations is a greater change.  There
were no main entry changes for monographs as dramatic as the dropping
of the rule of three.

For me, the most difficult earlier change was entry for serials and
series.  I had spent years with "Journal of chemistry" being entered
under title, and "Journal of the Chemical Association" being entered
under the association.  But that pales in comparison with the end of
GMD, unjustified added entries, no standard for number of authors to
be transcribed or traced, no defined standard for title
capitalization, no indication of typos in situ, imprint place
jurisdiction not being supplied if lacking, and *long* phrases
replacing ISBD inclusions.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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