I believe that this is one area that the JSC didn't have time to completely 
reconsider before RDA was published.  I think your understanding of the rule is 
correct and it would make sense for the German translation to follow the French 
example.  Indeed, I don't see why books of the Bible aren't treated under

John Hostage 
Authorities and Database Integrity Librarian //
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
> [mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Heidrun
> Wiesenmüller
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 08:21
> Subject: [RDA-L] "Authorized Version" (
> RDA says: "For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record
> the brief citation form of the Authorized Version as a subdivision of the
> preferred title for the Bible."
> Is my interpretation correct that "Authorized Version" here is not meant in a
> general sense of "some standard version", but rather as a reference to a
> specific English version of the Bible, namely the King James Bible?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorized_Version
> I'm asking because I've just noticed that "of the Authorized Version"
> has been translated into German as "der autorisierten Version" (i.e. "of the
> authorized version", in a general descriptive sense, not as a specific title).
> This makes it sound as if it was some unspecified, somehow authorized
> version, which doesn't sound right to me. Also, it wouldn't be helpful as it
> doesn't tell us who is supposed to do the authorizing (the agency?) and
> according to which criteria.
> The French, on the other hand, seem to have deliberately - and, I'd say, very
> reasonably - changed the meaning: "Pour les livres du canon catholique ou
> protestant, enregistrer une forme brève du titre du livre consacré par l'usage
> en français comme subdivision du titre privilégié de la Bible." So, they
> explicitly state that the title of the book should follow French usage.
> I think should be adapted to make it really "international", e.g. 
> by
> saying "record the title of the book according to a standard version of the
> Bible in the language and script preferred by the agency".
> Heidrun
> --
> ---------------------
> Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
> Stuttgart Media University
> Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany www.hdm-stuttgart.de/bi

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