You are right, the adaptation of that was made in the French version 
was deliberate, to respect the spirit of 0.11.2 and ensure that titles for the 
books of the Bible would be recorded in French in a French catalogue. It goes 
without saying that the French cataloguing community would support a proposal 
to make that rule more international.

Daniel Paradis
Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
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-----Message d'origine-----
De : Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[] De la part de Heidrun Wiesenmüller
Envoyé : 16 mai 2013 08:21
À :
Objet : [RDA-L] "Authorized Version" (

RDA says: "For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, 
record the brief citation form of the Authorized Version as a 
subdivision of the preferred title for the Bible."

Is my interpretation correct that "Authorized Version" here is not meant 
in a general sense of "some standard version", but rather as a reference 
to a specific English version of the Bible, namely the King James Bible?

I'm asking because I've just noticed that "of the Authorized Version" 
has been translated into German as "der autorisierten Version" (i.e. "of 
the authorized version", in a general descriptive sense, not as a 
specific title). This makes it sound as if it was some unspecified, 
somehow authorized version, which doesn't sound right to me. Also, it 
wouldn't be helpful as it doesn't tell us who is supposed to do the 
authorizing (the agency?) and according to which criteria.

The French, on the other hand, seem to have deliberately - and, I'd say, 
very reasonably - changed the meaning: "Pour les livres du canon 
catholique ou protestant, enregistrer une forme brève du titre du livre 
consacré par l'usage en français comme subdivision du titre privilégié 
de la Bible." So, they explicitly state that the title of the book 
should follow French usage.

I think should be adapted to make it really "international", 
e.g. by saying "record the title of the book according to a standard 
version of the Bible in the language and script preferred by the agency".


Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

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