mån 2010-11-22 klockan 14:10 +0000 skrev Chris G:
> Of course!  Thanks.  I used to have passwordless login which used to use
> an ssh-key without a passphrase but a while ago I changed to using a
> passphrase (the same as my login so I don't have to enter the
> passphrase) so of course the cron job doesn't work any more.
> Are there any ways to work around this problem so that the cron job can
> work but I can still have a passphrase protected ssh-key?

Not really. A second best solution might be to use a separate password
less key, with restrictions imposed on it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

On cheddar.halon.org.uk you could put something like this in your
authorized_keys file.

command="/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/rdiff-backup --server --restrict 
 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA...

That way there will be less of an issue if the ssh key is "stolen".

Example on running rdiff-backup with an explicit ssh-key:

rdiff-backup --remote-schema 'ssh -i /home/foo/.ssh/backup2cheddar %s 
rdiff-backup --server' /home/isbd 

Good luck!

// Andreas

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