Dear Thomas,

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 6:45 AM, Thomas Heller <> wrote:
>> Can you please provide a bit of code that demonstrates the problem?
>> The following works fine for me:
>> [16]>>> from rdkit import Chem
>> [17]>>> from rdkit.Chem import Draw
>> [18]>>> m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1')
>> [19]>>> Draw.MolToImageFile(m,'proline.png')
> Greg, does 'proline.png' contain a valid image in your case?

yes, it does. But I'm running this on the Mac.

> Attached is a script that demonstrates the problem.  It uses a custom Canvas
> class that prints the calls to stdout - my real code uses a canvas
> that directly draws into a windows device context.
> Running the script with Python2.6 (on Windows) and RDKit_Q12010_1 I get this 
> output:

I don't see any problems in your script, so I have to assume that it's
a problem with the binary you're using. I'm travelling and don't have
a windows machine handy, so this will have to wait until I'm back home
this weekend.

Sorry for the problem and thanks for the very detailed error report.

Best Regards,

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