
If you are using a Mac to hack rdkit or considering doing that, of if you are 
one of our precious beta testers for rdkit formula for Homebrew, I have good 
news for you. The formula has been upgraded to the latest 2012.03 release and 
we will track future releases so you don't have to. It is also now much easier 
to keep your formula up-to-date thanks to recent addition of the awesome `tap` 
command to Homebrew. Check out the following page for instructions:


I hope it makes rdkit more fun to use. Let me know if you have any comments or 
run into any problem.

For our beta testers who have used rdkit formula to install rdkit, you will 
need to uninstall rdkit and remove the formula before you can upgrade. Just do 
the following:

brew uninstall rdkit
rm -f /usr/local/Library/Formula/rdkit.rb


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