On 25/10/13 08:09, James Davidson wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> Thanks for the response
>> The use of an integer file format "flavor" argument allows the caller to
>> customize the behavior of the readers and writers.  The semantics is that a
>> reasonable default is zero (for all bits), but that new features may be added
>> without changing the API/ABI.
>> Most of the bits above (for the writer) control strict compliance with the 
>> PDB
>> format specification.  For example, a flavor of 12 will write bond orders the
>> way the RCSB expects them both throwing away bond orders and increasing
>> the size of the PDB file.
> As a test, I am using 2VCI, and am retrieving the PDB data from the RCSB 
> using the following
> import requests
> url = 
> "http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/download/downloadFile.do?fileFormat=pdb&compression=NO&structureId=2VCI";
> response = requests.get(url)
> pdb_block = response.content
> response.close()
> pdb_block shows CONECT records only for the HETATM records.
> If I now read into RDKit, using the defaults, and write back out using the 
> defaults, I see CONECT records for every atom (ie protein as well).  And I 
> can't see any double-bonds rendered in PyMOL:
> from rdkit import Chem
> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
> pdb = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_block)
> pdb_block_out = Chem.MolToPDBBlock(pdb)
> First 10 CONECT records of output:
> CONECT    1    2
> CONECT    2    3    5
> CONECT    3    4    4   10
> CONECT    5    6
> CONECT    6    7
> CONECT    7    8    8    9
> CONECT   10   11
> CONECT   11   12   14
> CONECT   12   13   13   17
> CONECT   14   15   16
> If I use Chem.MolToPDBBlock(pdb, flavor=12) I do, indeed see the ligand 
> CONECT records in what looks like the original format (albeit now numbered 
> differently), and I still see CONECT records for the protein - but this PDB 
> *will* render double bonds in PyMOL.
> First 10 CONECT records of output:
> CONECT    3    4    4
> CONECT    7    8    8
> CONECT   12   13   13
> CONECT   19   20   20
> CONECT   23   24   24
> CONECT   28   29   29
> CONECT   35   36   36
> CONECT   38   39   39
> CONECT   40   42   42
> CONECT   41   43   43

If I may be so bold, I believe an important part of the puzzle is 
missing.  The residue-name/3-letter-code/comp-id in the PDB file is a 
pointer to an entry in the mmCIF-formatted chemical component dictionary 
that describes the compound, for all compounds for all entries released 
by the PDB.


If this is an "internal" PDB file there will, very likely be a similar 
mmCIF file used for crystallographic refinement.

Only when these options fail would I consider turning to bond-order 
perception and CONECT records.


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