Looking into this further, I've decided to use the Python option again, as
this seems to have more functions.

I run the current example, where rxn is the original example, and qrxn is
the 'query' for categorisation:

In [2]: import rdkit

In [3]: from rdkit import Chem

In [4]: from rdkit.Chem import rdChemReactions

In [5]: rxn =
   ...: CC1>>Nc1nc(OCC2CCCCC2)c2[nH]cnc2n1')

In [6]: qrxn =
   ...: :[c:6]:1')

Pre-condition Violation
getNumImplicitHs() called without preceding call to calcImplicitValence()
Violation occurred on line 165 in file
Failed Expression: d_implicitValence > -1

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-98ff5fdf90be> in <module>()
----> 1 rdChemReactions.HasReactionSubstructMatch(rxn,qrxn)

RuntimeError: Pre-condition Violation
        getNumImplicitHs() called without preceding call to
        Violation occurred on line 165 in file Code\GraphMol\Atom.cpp
        Failed Expression: d_implicitValence > -1
        RDKIT: 2016.03.1
        BOOST: 1_59

Is the code working as designed (ultimately I want to feed lists of these
together, but I'm trying one at a time for now)?

On 27 October 2016 at 12:02, James Wallace <jeawall...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to replicate the Schneider categorisations with a local set of
> reactions that I have stored in SMILES. I currently have the categorisation
> filters as Reaction SMARTS, and I was hoping to do a standard substructure
> comparison between the SMARTS and the SMILES, but can't seem to do that.
> I'm using the Java wrapped version, and I can see how to import a
> ChemicalReaction as SMILES or SMARTS, I can't see how to compose such a
> query. Can anyone offer me any help or pointers?
> Thanks in advance,
> James
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