Hi Greg,

On 03/12/2016 13:16, Greg Landrum wrote:
Builds do take a while, but there is *no way* they should be taking 2 hours unless they are running on extremely overloaded hardware. The travis builds, which include running all the tests, typically take less than 40 minutes.
yes on my normal machine a build takes about 45 mins. But on Docker hub it seems your only get pretty limited hardware (1 core for instance) and can't do anything about this.

If, for some reason, you do still need to deal with this, I would guess that it would help to start by building an image without the java (or python) wrappers and then build an image on top of that which adds just the java (or python) wrappers
Yes, I can try that. In fact I'm sort of doing this for the Java wrappers, but not quite in that way.

Still, I would hope that you don't need to run too many builds on docker. It seems like one of those "once per release" activities. Certainly not something you'd want to do after every commit.
Yes, that's the case. Typically I build when there is a new release (e.g. every 6 months) and from time to time check that the build on master is still OK.



On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 6:29 PM, Tim Dudgeon <tdudgeon...@gmail.com <mailto:tdudgeon...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Of course builds from source are never fast enough, and the RDKit
    one is
    pretty big.
    So far I've lived with this and made cups of coffee.
    But since I've been working with the Release_2016_09_2 release my
    image builds on Docker Hub [1] are timing out as they sometimes exceed
    the 2 hour limit. If I try at a quiet time I can sometimes get them to
    complete, but I suppose the situation is only going to get worse.

    I've tried breaking the build into 2 steps, the first to prepare the
    base image [2] and the second to build RDKit [3], and that's helped a
    bit, but I don't think there's more mileage here as nearly all the
    is spend in the 'make' command.

    Anticipating things getting worse, does anyone have suggestions for
    speeding this up. I hanker after a --fast mode, but I suppose if there
    was one it would already be the default.

    Any ideas?

    In case anyone wonders I'm building from source as I need to also
    a Java enabled version and one for the Postgres cartridge and want to
    use the same approach to generating them all.


    [1] https://hub.docker.com/r/informaticsmatters/rdkit/
    [2] https://github.com/InformaticsMatters/rdkit_debian_base
    [3] https://github.com/InformaticsMatters/rdkit

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