On May 14, 2004, at 10:26 AM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

On Thu, 13 May 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way of supressing the __VALUE__ hash that is added via a
single terminal return in <autotree>? Right now I have to play silly
little games on the return values. I realize that I could add my own
return handler but <autotree> is _so_ nice otherwise.

Why not just remove it? Untested code follows...

sub remove_VALUE
 my $hashref = shift @_;

 delete $hashref->{__VALUE__};
 remove_VALUE($hashref->{$_}) foreach keys %$hashref;

;-) The above is possible, but why post-process the created struct when you don't need to put in __VALUE__ at all? I understand the need for it for some applications. But other ones (eg when converting the returned hash to xml via xml::simple) only add a level of unneeded indirection. But perhaps my problem is not really that common...

eg: <cpu_line(s)> <name>DHCPD Database</name> <0></0> <fiveMin>0.00</fiveMin> <fiveSec>0.00</fiveSec> <invoked>1338361</invoked> <oneMin>0.00</oneMin> <pid> <__VALUE__>112</__VALUE__> </pid> <runtime>32</runtime> <tty>uSecs</tty> <uSecs>0</uSecs> </cpu_line(s)>

To get around this I have to do this:
    $return = {

btw the value of interest is actually inside __VALUE__ so you'd have to return the value of __VALUE__ and set it to the parent.


-- Aamer Akhter / [EMAIL PROTECTED] NSITE cisco Systems

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