On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 14:31:03 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

txb> The following grammar (piece) works fine:
txb> geoloc: geoloc_ and(?) geoloc_ | geoloc_
txb> geoloc_: city | state | country | area

txb> but per 

txb> I want distinct geoloc values, so I did this:

txb> geoloc: geoloc1 and(?) geoloc2 | geoloc_
txb> geeloc1: geoloc_
txb> geeloc2: geoloc_
txb> geoloc_: city | state | country | area

txb> but then the autotrace immediately fails:

txb>  2|tok_of_ty|                                      |" bahrain kuwait"
txb>  2|tok_of_ty|Trying subrule: [geoloc]              |
txb>  3|  geoloc  |Trying rule: [geoloc]                 |
txb>  3|  geoloc  |Trying production: [geoloc1 and       |
txb>   |          |geoloc2]                              |
txb>  3|  geoloc  |Trying subrule: [geoloc1]             |
txb>  3|  geoloc  |<<Didn't match subrule: [geoloc1]>>   |

Any chance you can post a complete example with sample input that fails?


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