BBQ Pizza
1 1/4-cup warm water
1-tsp  sugar
1-tbsp dry yeast 
3-cups flour 
5-tbsp oil, margarine, or  shortening 
1/2-tsp salt

Parchment paper
Vegetable  oil
Your choice of toppings 

Prepare yeast in warm water with sugar
Let stand 5  min
In a large bowl, add  flour & salt 
Then add yeast mixture & oil 
Mix together, kneading a few times
In greased bowl, form into ball and cover with plastic wrap  or a tea towel
Let rise in warm place until double in size (approx 1  hr )

Cut parchment into 2 squares slightly large enough for the  pizza
Lightly oil the paper on one side
Place 1/2 of the dough on each  piece of paper and roll to 12 inches round
Lightly oil the top of the  dough
Fire up the grill on high for 5 minutes to heat thoroughly
Lower  temp to medium before putting the pizza on
Lay dough on grill with paper side  up
Gently peel off the paper
Grill for approximately 5 minutes or until  crust is golden with nice grill 
Flip dough over on  grill and quickly grill for about 30 seconds to firm up 
Remove  to a bread paddle or baking sheet with the cooked  side up
Place your toppings on, not too many as it will weigh down the  crust
Slide back onto grill
Close lid and cook for another 5-10 minutes or  until cheese is melted, 
closely watching so as to not burn the  bottom
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