
I was not talking about brain size.

I think it is pointless to continue this discussion since you indicated that men
and women have different brain structures "> The brain, the
> chief administrative and emotional organ of life, is differently constructed
> in men and in women;" and when I protest that all human brains have the same 
>structures you change to behavioural differences with which I have no argument 
>although there may be as many behavioural differences within each gender as between 
>them. It isn't that cut and dried.

You have found some studies that support your view of life. There are other
studies that do not. 

The results of many studies about brain structures and how they work to affect
behaviour and memory have had to be changed or thrown out because more has
become known about our most complicated organ. Science is only just beginning to
have some rudimentary (as a ratio to the potential - no pun intended)
understanding of how the brain works and much of what they thought was the truth
before has had to be dumped. I'm sure that there will be more theories that will
have to be modified or discarded as knowledge increases in the future. It pays
to keep an open mind (no pun intended) and be receptive to new discoveries being

One thing that hasn't changed throughout the long search of how the brain works
is the structures that make up the brain. The physiology hasn't changed in line
with science's increasing knowledge of its functions.

The best that can be said as things stand today is that scientists have
different theories about how the brain works. Which theories are correct (if
any) only time and more knowledge will tell.

I will drop the subject now before I bore everyone to tears.


philip wrote:
> > Sorry, Phillip, I have read the Canadian study - it points out differences
> in
> > size of the brain structures - not different structures.
> no need to be sorry trudy. you're the one who's talking about brain size not
> me. the text i quoted also makes little reference to this property. what i'm
> talking about and what the text is talking about is evidence of the brain's
> operation, including evidence from the Canadian study indicating "gross
> morphological (structural) and often striking behavioural differences
> between men and women', that the female brain and the male brain which can
> be easily and unambiguously distinguished operate differently therefore
> these entirely distinct forms of the human brain are structured differently.
> women and men perceive the world differently. there is women's perception
> and men's perception according to whether male hormone kicked into the
> foetus at six weeks or not. if you don't think the apples and oranges
> analogy is appropriate then you are dealing with a western cultural illusion
> not the overwhelming scientific consensus to which the text i mentioned
> refers.
> as the text explains, there are two ways of looking at differences between
> women and men. one is the western cultural approach comprising the illusion
> that there is no structural difference and the other is the overwhelming
> scientific consensus that there is. take your pick.
> furthermore, flat administrative structures (consensual decision-making) and
> tall administrative structures (hierarchical decision-making) can have
> exactly the same number of teams and may come in all sizes yet they are
> entirely different decision-making processes.
> moreover, if you research sex further you'll find that there is no
> scientific consensus as to how sex emerged  (for instance, most species
> become extinct if they lose one percent of their genes in reproduction let
> alone fifty percent) and as to what is the purpose of sex and the reason for
> its overwhelming success.
> (see for instance: ghiselin, michael t. (1988) 'the evolution of sex: a
> history of competing points of view'. in, r.e. michod and b.r. levin (eds)
> the evolution of sex: an examination of current ideas. massachusetts:
> sinauer associates inc: 7-23.)
> from studying indigenous mythologies i've formed the view that original
> 'female' biota recombined with mutant 'male' biota thrown up regularly in
> dna replication to engineer an evolutionary advantage over asexual species.
> these characteristics remain dominant in all biological and social
> interaction.
> for instance, where mutant experimentation is restricted in confined
> ecologies females grow much larger than males as with some spider species
> whereas where mutant experimentation is unrestricted in free-ranging
> ecologies as with humankind males on average obtain a physical edge over
> females and cyclically dominate females socially where relations between the
> sexes are unconstrained by intelligent intervention as with the indigenous
> tradition of women's business and men's business.
> sexual difference (i avoid using the term gender since it refers to
> secondary characteristics of sex and i'm not talking about secondary
> characteristics) is critical to both the physical and social appearance of
> humankind and every other sexual species.
> sex is the engine room of culture.
> respectfully,
> philip
> @ cadigal eora

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