Perhaps you need to be more specific with symptoms.  What do you mean
by "folders"?  Are you using ext2 file system?

A file system's permissions are written to the disk (at least any
file system that I've ever dealt with).  That means when you remount
a drive, the file permissions, including sub-directories or folders,
will be the same as when you changed them before.

Perhaps you are referring to automatically mounting a disk or
partition instead.  That should be done at startup and can be
   === Al

---Pork E Pigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a way to permanently set folder permissions on mounted
> I can mount them from root and set the permissions to make them
> writeable by other users but, after a reboot I lose those and have to
> login as root to set them again.
> Maybe something can be set in one of the scripts that gets run during
> boot?
> I've tried the man pages and can't find anything about it. Also
> had any luck with the HOWTOs or anything else so far.

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