Hi there,
I logged into my ISP last night, and start downloading some files. As it 
started to take longer than I thought I left it running over night. This 
morning after I logged out I checked the `messages' file, and to my 
surprise most of it was deleted. There was only a few lines there; to be 
precise, there was three logs of syslogd being restarted, and then there 
was a log of "su session openned for user `nobody'" and "su session 
closed for user `nobody'". The logs show that the whole session took less 
than a second, so I presume s/he run a script of some sort as su. What's 
even more puzzling is that I get dynamic IP address when I log in the ISP. 

Any ideas? Eagerly waiting...


P.S: I use RH5.0 with most of the updates applied.

|          .. Mary had a little ram and Windows was so slow...          |
| Hossein S. Zadeh                 |                                    |
| Dept of Aerospace Engineering    | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  (YES! I AM a rocket scientist!!)| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| Royal Melb. Inst. of Tech (RMIT) |------------------------------------|
| Melbourne, Australia             |http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~zadeh|

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