Well, when I ran out of my 128ram+16mb swap, X closed down all applications
and dropped to console.  It's strange but I didn't think I had so many apps
running that my system couldn't handle.  It seems that I am able to run
more apps under Windows although its multitasking isn't that good.

At 10:26 AM 3/9/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>On a SCO system though you MUST have at least RAMSIZE+10% as when it
>>crashes, it writes the contents of ram to the swap partition. If there
>>isn't enough room, it will simply overwrite your root partition with
>Gee, that's very thoughtful of it! I wonder how long it took the
>programmers to come up with that brilliant scheme?
>Seriously though, I remember reading that GNU's tools tend to fare much
>better than your standard tools from vendors. E.g., failing gracefully
>in the the face of exhausted VM, file descriptors or what have you...
>Which leads to my question, what really does happen with Linux when you
>use up all the memory, RAM + swap? What is the worst that has happened
>to anyone? EMWTK.
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