On 11-Jun-2003/18:43 -0400, Ben Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I like my Linux workstations, I would love to see open-standards e-mail 
>and open-office used on a larger number of
>peoples desks.   I think that KDE and or GNOME has come a long way...  
>But I agree with the original
>poster,   X is SLOW SLOW SLOW....  and  the GUI's are nowhere near as 
>smooth and clean looking.

Actually, X is fairly fast. GNOME (w/Nautilus) and KDE are resource hogs,
which is likely the cause of your perception that X is slow.

I run Sawfish on GNOME with GMC as my desktop/file manager. The system
responds much faster than when I ran Nautilus.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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