Dear users,

I recently ran a model-free analysis on a ~5kDa protein with relaxation
data measured at three fields (600, 800 & 900 MHz). For the analysis, I
used the fully automated analysis (

At the end of the diffusion tensor optimisation step, a prolate spheroid
tensor seemed to be the best description for diffusion, as assessed by AIC.
See below the AIC scores for the individual models:

Data pipe    k       n                      Chi2
sphere        102    204                  2479.48833           2683.48833

prolate        89      204                  2391.34556           2569.34556

oblate         88      204                  2405.33989           2581.33989

ellipsoid      90      204                  2405.90291           2585.90291

My question now concerns the 'large' deviation of ~15 units in chi-squared
values between the ellipsoid and prolate models. Shouldn't the value of the
ellipsoid be smaller than the axially symmetric models, considering that
two additional parameters are used in the ellipsoid?
Why is the chi-squared value slightly larger for the ellipsoid than the

I looked at the individual models and the log files. The optimisation
finished after convergence and the analysis didn't report any errors or the

Many thanks,

relax (

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