In a message dated 8/2/2005 10:02:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
They claim that they only want the "evidence against evolution" taught, but this is primarily a tactical maneuver. Their stated goal remains not only equal time, but the replacement of evolution with ID, as their own documents clearly shows.
I am perplexed by this response to those critical of evolutionary theories, acting as though there is some dark cabal in it all.
Scientific theory invites inquisition of explanatory statements:  this because that.  If ID has no purpose other than reminding folks that evolutionary "theories" are able to be disproved, and to remove the talismanic veil of reverence that evolutionists have conjured around the theories, allowing open, scientific, critical analysis, then this is a good development for science.
Jim Henderson
Senior Counsel
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