Steve Monsma wrote:

But it stretches credulity that all the defense expert witnesses wanted to be
addressed as "professor" and all the plaintiff expert witnesses wanted to be
addressed as "doctor."
It strikes me that especially when dealing with technical, scientific experts,
"Doctor" would usually be considered the title that gives one's positions more
wieght that "Professor."  But this is, of course, a highly subjective judgment.
I have all of the deposition transcripts and all of the testimony transcripts. In his testimony, Behe specifically introduces himself as "Professor Michael Behe" and he consistently refers to other people as professor rather than doctor. There is no such pattern for Minnich. But you're right, I did a search of the ruling and his use of the two terms is completely uniform. He never refers to Behe or Minnich as anything but "professor" and never to any of the plaintiffs' experts as anything but "Dr"

Ed Brayton
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