I guess I get more confused by this debate as it goes on.

1. Part of my confusion is on the debate over the status of gay
abortions in the Catholic Church.  I'm not sure why we are debating the
issue.  Presumably if the Catholic Bishops of Boston claim to have
religious reasons for not engaging in that practice, that ought to be
good enough for the rest of us.  Maybe a debate on that ought to go on
within the Catholic Church, but most of us have no say in that debate.

2. I'm also confused why it is anti-religious to insist that all
institutions that arrange for adoptions not discriminate against gay and
lesbian couples.  It may be wrong as a matter of public policy, but it
is not anti-religious per se.  Some religions believe that homosexuality
is immoral (or something to that effect).  My temple takes the position
that discrimination against homosexuals is immoral and inconsistent with
basic precepts of Judaism (other tempes disagree).  We might imagine
that the state might require particular parenting standards that differ
from those imposed by some religions.  Again, whether those parenting
standards are desirable is independent of whether they are consistent
with any religion.

3.  In short, Massachusetts seems to believe that discrimination
against same sex couples in the adoption process is (almost) as
inconsistent with state values as discrimination against different race
couples.  I think that is correct.  Rick Duncan thinks that is wrong. 
But our fight is on the merits of that proposition, because if I am
right on the moral proposition, the religious argument seems to fall.

Mark A. Graber
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