It may well be that there were specifically anti-Muslim 
statements made in the Target controversy that Greg describes.  But it seems to 
me that, in general, the analogy between religious objections and medical 
objections tends to be somewhat overstated.  (I thought the same of the Third 
Circuit Judge Alito opinion in Fraternal Order of Police v. City of Newark.)

For instance, I imagine that many an employer will gladly give employees 
extended leave for serious illness, perhaps even weeks’ worth of paid leave and 
months’ worth of unpaid leave.  Does it follow that it must give the same leave 
to people who want to go on a months-long religious pilgrimage?  Likewise, an 
employee might make many accommodations for employees whose medical conditions 
make it impossible for them to do a certain job, even when that involves a far 
greater than de minimis cost.  The employee might be required to do so by 
disability law, but might sometimes simply choose to do that in order to help 
someone who is sick or injured.  Does it follow that it must make similarly 
high-cost accommodations for religious employees?

I don’t think so.  It seems to me that an employer can reasonably conclude 
that, as a general matter, health-based objections are less likely to be 
broadly shared (there will be fewer cashiers with peanut allergies than Muslim 
cashiers, at least in areas with a high density of Muslim immigrants), and less 
likely to be perceived as slights even by unbiased customers.  No customer who 
notices that a cashier refuses to handle peanut products will take that as a 
personal slight; but even customers who aren’t hostile to Islam as such might 
perceive religious objection to the handling of pork or alcohol as a statement 
that the customer’s religious beliefs are (in the cashier’s view) wrong, or 
that the customer’s eating habits are “unclean” and drinking habits are 

And beyond this, it seems to me quite permissible (though not the only 
permissible view) for an employer to conclude that undoubted, scientifically 
provable medical risk deserves more accommodation than subjective, individually 
felt religious belief.  Moreover, when it comes to legal compulsion, I would 
think (see TWA v. Hardison) that imposing the costs of one person’s religious 
practice on others raises objections that are more serious than just imposing 
the costs of one person’s disability on others would.

Or am I mistaken on these things, and employers who generously provide 
substantial accommodations for those who are sick, allergic, or disabled must 
provide equally substantial accommodations for those who have religious 


Greg Sisk writes:

And given that this episode occurred at the same time that Muslim cashiers at 
Target asked not to be required to handle pork, it was fell into a context in 
which simple accommodations offered to others – such as allowing a cashier 
allergic to peanuts not to handle peanuts or peanut butter – became the subject 
of vehement public objection when Muslims were asking for the same kind of 
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