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*The Remarkable Disappearance of State Justifications in Obergefell*

Marty Lederman

Over at the *Slate* "Breakfast Table," I have a post
the handful of biggest surprises in what was in fact (or so I argue) a
Supreme Court Term in which the Justices generally acted according to
predictable form.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Term, I argue there, is what the
Court *didn't* do in *Obergefell
devote much attention at all to the states' asserted justifications for
excluding same-sex couples from the institution of civil marriage.  That
lacuna was no mere oversight--it was a function of the fact that the
articulated justifications were threadbare, and that any legitimate
justifications were virtually nonexistent.  For that reason, I argue, the
impassioned opinions of the dissenting Justices will have very little
traction in the years to come--they elide the critical point--and the
Court's judgment will, in short order, be very widely embraced as
self-evidently correct.  To be sure, there is, and will remain, a
substantial minority of Americans who oppose SSM.  But the reasons they do
so--primarily, moral disapproval, biblical injunction, anxiety about
homosexuality, and occasionally even animus--are unavailable to the states
as legitimate justifications; and therefore it's understandable that those
justifications--the *actual *grounds for state discrimination--do not
even make an appearance in the *Obergefell* opinions.

Here's a slightly amended version of the *Obergefell *portion of my *Slate *

For more than a dozen years, in the scores of cases challenging marriage
laws going back to *Goodridge
beyond, the briefing, arguments, and written decisions had been dominated
by two questions:  *First*, is discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation, like sex discrimination, subject to “heightened scrutiny” (in
which case the denial of same-sex marriage would certainly be
unconstitutional)?  *Second*, if not--if "rational basis" review is
applicable--what are the state interests supporting denial of same-sex
marriage, and do they satisfy even the very deferential “rational-basis”

Lawyers, judges, clerks and commentators expended thousands upon thousands
of hours on these questions; if I had to guess, I’d say they consumed
upward of 80 percent of the time, effort, and resources in the marriage
cases over the years, including in *Windsor* and *Hollingsworth* two terms
ago, and in *Obergefell* and its companion cases this year.

The 90-plus pages of the Justices’ opinions in *Obergefell* don’t mention
the first question (the proper standard of review for discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation) at all—not even to reserve it.  That's a
significant failing of the dissenting opinions, as I explain below.  But
it's not so surprising an omission in the majority opinion; I certainly
didn't think Justice Kennedy would issue a ruling on the standard-of-review
question, given that it was sufficient for him simply to hold that the
marriage laws do not pass rational-basis muster (in conjunction with his
substantive due process ruling).

What *is *truly shocking, however, is that the various opinions barely even
allude to the states’ asserted interests and whether they are sufficient to
satisfy rational-basis review!

Let's start with the majority opinion.  Justice Kennedy announces the
categorical, unequivocal holdings of the court on Pages 22–23 (emphasis

The right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the
person, and under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the
Fourteenth Amendment *couples of the same-sex may not be deprived of that
right and that liberty*.  The Court now holds that*same-sex couples may
exercise the fundamental right to marry*.  No longer may this liberty be
denied to them.  *Baker v. Nelson* must be and now is overruled, and *the
State laws challenged by Petitioners in these cases are now held invalid to
the extent they exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage on the same
terms and conditions as opposite-sex couples*.

These holdings appear before the Court has said a single word about the
four defendant states’ asserted justifications for refusing to recognize
same-sex marriage.  It is only *after *this passage that Justice Kennedy
briefly addresses and unceremoniously rejects a couple of interests
mentioned by the dissenting justices.  From all that appears, however, the
holdings of the Court do not depend in the slightest on whether the States’
interests might justify what would otherwise be a violation of equal
protection and denial of due process.

The two-ton gorilla is even more conspicuously absent in the dissenting
opinions.  The Chief Justice's lead dissent spends almost 30 pages
bemoaning the fact that the Court has allegedly betrayed history by not
leaving the question to be decided by the ordinary political process.  (He
neglects to mention that recent state constitutional amendments were
designed specifically to cut off the ability of marriage equality
proponents to alter the law through the ordinary processes of political
debate.)  To read the Chief’s opinion, one would think there must be very
strong reasons not to upset the status quo—or, at least, that a tradition
of surpassing importance is at stake.  Yet he does not so much as offer,
let alone defend, a single one of the justifications on which the States
have relied, until, finally, this single, solitary sentence on Page 24:
 “The marriage laws at issue here do not violate the Equal Protection
Clause,” he writes, “because distinguishing between opposite-sex and
same-sex couples is rationally related to the States’ ‘legitimate state
interest’ in ‘preserving the traditional institution of marriage’ ”
(quoting Justice O’Connor’s concurrence in *Lawrence*).

This took me aback, for two reasons.  First, the Chief does not even
address whether “rational basis” is the proper test; he merely assumes it.
 (He’s typically much more careful than that, taking care to address all
significant counterarguments.)  Second, and more striking still, can he
genuinely believe that the “legitimate state interest” sufficient to
support “preserving the traditional institution of marriage” is … to
“preserve the traditional institution of marriage”?  Or even (if we
eliminate the obvious circularity in his formulation), that tradition,
*qua* tradition
(cue Tevya <>) is a good enough
reason to deny same-sex couples the profound benefits of civil
marriage—without any normative justification?  (In fairness to Tevya, his
asserted reasons for refusing to bless Chava's marriage to Fyedka are
actually more reasonable than anything the dissenting Justices or the
States in *Obergefell *were able to articulate.)

The Scalia and Thomas opinions likewise inveigh mightily against the
court’s profound “threat to American democracy” and “other aspects of our
constitutional order” … without offering a single reason why the
discriminatory results of that historical order might be remotely
justifiable, or even normatively attractive.

By contrast, Justice Alito at least *mentions* two purported justifications
for restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples.  One is “to encourage
potentially procreative conduct to take place within a lasting unit that
has long been thought to provide the best atmosphere for raising children.”
 The other is to avoid the risk of the unknown:  “No one—including social
scientists, philosophers, and historians—can predict with any certainty
what the long-term ramifications of widespread acceptance of same-sex
marriage will be.”  Justice Kennedy makes short shrift of these two
justifications, which is just about what they deserve.*

There is an explanation, of course, for this disconnect between the
gargantuan efforts expended on the question of state interests in the
litigation and the virtual absence of any such discussion in the
*Obergefell* opinions of the Justices--namely, that the principal *real* reason
that many states have prohibited same-sex marriage is simply because their
legislators and/or their constituents morally disapprove of, or are deeply
discomfited by, homosexuality.

But discomfort, anxiety, and a lack of understanding obviously are not
valid justifications for the discrimination at issue here.  And the Court’s
decision in *Lawrence *took off the table the ability of states to invoke
simple moral disapproval.  Without resort to those *actual *justifications—as
well as religious justifications upon which the civil state cannot
rely—there’s simply nothing left on the state interest side of the
equation.  And thus, *whatever* one’s views might be on the great issues
that divide the justices (substantive due process and *Glucksberg*, the
meaning of “liberty” in the Due Process Clause, the proper scope of
judicial review, etc.), a state's refusal to recognize and license same-sex
marriage simply cannot stand for a very simple reason—namely, that there’s
no rational, let alone good, reason for such a denial.  Which is why, for
all the *sturm und drang* of the dissenting opinions—their clarion call to
arms in the service of great American ideals—it is very unlikely they will
find much of a sympathetic audience in the years to come.  As the Bard
says, when you’ve got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose.

One further word on this important point about the absence of legitimate
state interests:  Unlike Judge Posner
I don’t think these actual, *sub rosa* reasons for traditional state laws
limiting marriage—moral disapproval, biblical teachings, anxiety about
homosexuality, etc.—necessarily equate to “bigotry,” akin to the motives
underlying our ugly history of race discrimination.  (Of course there is
*some *bigotry against LGBT individuals; but I don't think that explains
the entirety of the opposition.) And thus I don’t find it very useful for
influential figures such as Judge Posner to put the conversation in those
terms, or to assert (as he does) that *any *"gratuitous interference in
other people’s lives is bigotry."  This quick move to name-calling
unfortunately plays into the feverish--and I think unwarranted--alarms of
the dissenters that same-sex marriage opponents themselves will shortly be
treated as despicable social outcasts.  Justice Kennedy, to his credit,
goes out of his way to disclaim and discredit the notion that same-sex
marriage opposition is necessarily rooted in bigotry and that its adherents
ought to be shunned:  “Many who deem same-sex marriage to be wrong reach
that conclusion based on decent and honorable religious or philosophical
premises, and neither they nor their beliefs are disparaged here, " he
writes.  "The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and
persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles
that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to
their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long

* As to the latter, see pages 23-26 of the majority opinion, which echoes
the stirring closing of the Solicitor General's oral argument (audio
<> at

What the Respondents are ultimately saying to the Court is that with
respect to marriage, they are not ready yet.  And yes, gay and lesbian
couples can live openly in society, and yes, they can raise children.  Yes,
they can participate fully as members of their community.  Marriage,
though, . . . not yet.  Leave that to be worked out later. . . .  But what
these gay and lesbian couples are doing is laying claim to the promise of
the Fourteenth Amendment *now*.  And it is emphatically the duty of this
Court, in this case, as it was in *Lawrence*, to decide what the Fourteenth
Amendment requires. . . .  [I]n a world in which gay and lesbian couples
live openly as our neighbors, they raise their children side by side with
the rest of us, they contribute fully as members of the community, . . . it
is simply untenable--*untenable*--to suggest that they can be denied the
right of equal participation in an institution of marriage, or that they
can be required to wait until the majority decides that it is ready to
treat gay and lesbian people as equals.  Gay and lesbian people *are* equal.
They deserve the equal protection of the laws, and they deserve it *now*.

And as to the former justification, Justice Kennedy writes (pp. 26-27):

The respondents also argue allowing same-sex couples to wed will harm
marriage as an institution by leading to fewer opposite-sex marriages.
This may occur, the respondents contend, because licensing same-sex
marriage severs the connection between natural procreation and marriage.
That argument, however, rests on a counterintuitive view of opposite-sex
couple’s decisionmaking processes regarding marriage and parenthood.
Decisions about whether to marry and raise children are based on many
personal, romantic, and practical considerations; and it is unrealistic to
conclude that an opposite-sex couple would choose not to marry simply
because same-sex couples may do so.  See *Kitchen v. Herbert*, 755 F. 3d
1193, 1223 (CA10 2014) (“[I]t is wholly illogical to believe that state
recognition of the love and commitment between same-sex couples will alter
the most intimate and personal decisions of opposite-sex couples”).  The
respondents have not shown a foundation for the conclusion that
allowing same-sex marriage will cause the harmful outcomes they describe.
Indeed, with respect to this asserted basis for excluding same-sex couples
from the right to marry, it is appropriate to observe these cases involve
only the rights of two consenting adults whose marriages would pose no risk
of harm to themselves or third parties.
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