There is an article in the April 20th issue of the New Yorker titled "The 
Immortality Upgrade."  It involves a group called the Mormon Transhumanist 
Association "who believe that the development and dissemination of advanced 
technologies-cryogenics, bionics, artificial 
 and so on-will raise humanity to the heights of power and immortality that 
[Joseph]Smith envisioned." Basically the article explains the group seems to 
see parallels between futuristic visions of technological change and some of 
Joseph Smith's prophecies.

Is anyone on the list studying or writing about this group or its belief 
system? Does anyone know anyone who is doing so? (The Law Review at Davis is 
organizing a symposium and this connection between technological change and 
religious belief might be relevant to one of its panels.)

Alan Brownstein
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