
I am trying to set up a new reminder and need to skip holidays. However,
for some reason there is one holiday, Labor Day, for which it is not
skipped, but rather pushed a week to 9-9 (instead of 9-2). The meeting
is the first Monday of each month starting August 5, 2013. Setting it up
with SKIP works fine, but I have been unable to figure out how to push
the one meeting a week. I can just add it separately to the calendar,
but it seems like AFTER should do what I want. Any suggestions would be

REM Mon [Week_1] AT 12:30 DURATION 1:00 FROM 5 aug 2013 AFTER MSG \
%"Message%" %b

REM Mon +7 [Week_1] AT 12:30 DURATION 1:00 FROM 5 aug 2013 AFTER MSG \ 
%"Message%" %b

Thanks, Aric
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