I have very cheaply acquired a Motorola N1274A amplifier and would like to use 
it on 2 meters. 

My first question, is, since this amplifier was originally designed for 
150-174MHz do I need to do any retuning. I assume the answer would be yes. On 
the board, on the far left and the far right I see two components that appear 
to be tuning capacitors. They are marked Johanson 9612. (Looking them up on the 
net confirmed they were tuning caps) Are these what I need to adjust? If so, 
what is the procedure? Tune for max power? Min SWR? Any assistance would be 
appreciated. Also, what tool is used for this? I kind of looks like a tiny hex 
head, but I haven't looked at it under a magnifier yet.

Secondly, I was wondering if anyone has a schematic for the amplifier. I looked 
on the net but turned up nothing. There is one component inside the amplifier 
that appears what "used to be" a capacitor. It obviously suffered a 
catastrophic failure and the magic smoke came out quite rapidly. It is located 
on the board next to a large 1 ohm power resistor. I obviously need to replace 
this component and could possibly need to replace others. Again, any schematic 
or parts list info anyone could share with me would be greatly appreciated.


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