At 3/25/2009 14:19, you wrote:
>Why is their output 15 KHz away from your input?  Is someone upside-down?

No, that is our bandplan, & is by design.

>Sounds like a bad coordination... even 100 miles away, if one or both ends
>are on high sites.

Nope.  We routinely place repeaters less than 50 miles apart 15 kHz away & 
have no adjacent channel interference.  One of our more recent coordinee's 
systems was built by me & has outputs + AND - 15 kHz from his input only 30 
miles away.  No ACI.

>A 5 KHz deviated signal doesn't really "fit" into 15 KHz of "channel" space,
>this is well-known.

...which is why we mandate 4.2 kHz peak deviation, along with a modulation 
bandwidth spec of 3 kHz max w/-20 dB rolloff @ 4.4. kHz.

Bob NO6B

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