At 10/21/2009 18:26, you wrote:
>  >>>risking getting flamed<<<
>The micor squelch is great, but it's not magic. Good amps, good
>filters, limiters, and a bi-level comparator. I've built a couple...
>mine weren't as great, but the one on the MSR2000 R1 audio card is
>Motorola's knock off of their own chip, and pretty impressive.
>So, with the Micor chip getting more and more esoteric all the time,
>is it worth building an alternative that works comparably without the
>special chip, and making a kit available? Magazine article, etc.? Note
>this is something I might be willing to collaborate on with others.
>Maybe there's something about the Micor I'm missing that others love.

How about < 2 millisecond decay time on strong signals?  Even many 
controllers don't sample the COS line that fast.

Bob NO6B

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