Mark wrote:
> John, 
> Regarding the hum - it's just trying to remember the words...  ;-)

More than anything else, I suspect the radio you're using to listen, 
John. Even newer made-for-ham rigs have problems with not having good 
filtering of CTCSS tones. My Kenwood 742 lets some through, especially 
with the MCS-2000 speaker I have on it (since the internal speaker is 
next to useless in a service truck ;c)
The handhelds of late have been much better in that regard, mostly just 
because of the cheap speakers they use.

I remember an old guy complaining about hum on a repeater I put together 
years ago. The repeater was of course running encode on input carrier.
turns out he had a 12" bass reflex guitar speaker plugged into his 2M 
rig. I told him to fix his rig and go away.

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