At 11/14/2009 09:39, you wrote:

>Still... a Master Pro Receiver runs on 10 and 12 Volts

Any part of a Mastr Pro RX need 12 V other than the audio PA?  IIRC the 
Mastr II RX only needs 10 V if you don't power up the audio PA.

>(it's solid state) and has one heck of a great receiver
>so they could easily stay in operation (and often do...)

They're OK, but every one I've used had a odd, asymmetrical IF 
response.  OK if the signal is on channel, but the squelch acts strangely 
on off-channel signals.  If the signal is above the RX's freq. the squelch 
blows open even if the signal is so weak it's unintelligible, while if the 
signal into the RX is below center the squelch will act tight.  That always 
bothered me.  The VHF Mastr Pro's IF is a bit wide for 15 kHz channel 
spacing on 2 meters.  I still have one UHF Mastr Pro RX in service here at 
the hub site as a backfill RX, but I don't go looking for them anymore.  I 
prefer using Mastr II or MVP RXs now.

Bob NO6B

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