Hi Larry...

Batteries that ended up with no electrolyte - it had all
boiled off.  

We've had numerous 'battery maintenance' systems on our 
trucks over the years which have resulted in the batteries 
having a shortened life.  All were touted as 'will not 
overcharge, etc'.

(responding to a call trying & having to jump start the
firetruck isn't considered good form) :-O


--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "larynl2" <lar...@...> wrote:
> --- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "tahrens301" <tahrens@> wrote:
> > Just not sure about leaving a trickle charger going
> > all the time. (bad previous experiences)
> We'll want to know...  What were your "bad previous experiences" regarding 
> trickle charging?  Then we can give you better answers.
> Laryn K8TVZ

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