This is already happening in Australia.  Amateurs are secondary users for
420-450MHz, with military and radio location being primary.
A few years ago our ACMA introduced "Low Interference Potential Devices"
license class (any modulation, for any purpose, 25 mW maximum, no license
Allegedly this was to allow luxury cars to be imported without modifying
their electronic door and security keys.
Not surprisingly there are a few luxury cars still parked near amateur
repeaters that can't be unlocked  :-)
Due to poorly written legislation, a whole lot of other devices have now
flooded the market, including continuously transmitting data modules, and
all cause a lot of trouble to amateur operators and repeaters.
The bottom end of the band 420-430MHz of the amateur band has also been
eroded by government digital radio networks (because it's cheaper to import
equipment from overseas that's already in that band).  Amateurs in parts of
the country are no longer allowed to use that part of the band.
I hope the FCC doesn't follow suit although it sounds like they already are!
Mark, VK3BYY


[] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Thursday, 4 March 2010 07:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Fw: FCC R&O Involving the Amateur 70cm Band

I feel a little pessimistic about this, in that I expect it to happen more
frequently as time passes. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't help feeling that
we are going to gradually lose our spectrum as companies with deep pockets
buy our frequencies out from under us.
Richard <>  

Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. 
-- Ronald Reagan 


[] On Behalf Of George Henry
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:15 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Fw: FCC R&O Involving the Amateur 70cm Band


Re:  the waiver request by ReconRobotics for 420 - 450 MHz operation.

Hams get the shaft again...

George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

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