Sorry, I don't recognize the language you are using to refer to the current 
topic.  The FCC doesn't need a precedent  to adjust it's regulatory perspective 
or inclination. If the FCC wants to cancel all amateur licenses and give the 
spectrum to GE for some energy saving RF transmission technology they will do 
so. The 300,000,000 people of the nation won't blink an eye.

So, enjoy what you have, it is a priviledge and nothing more.  I wouldn't waste 
a nanosecond worrying about precedent.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kris Kirby 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:45 PM
  Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Fw: FCC R&O Involving the Amateur 70cm 

  On Thu, 4 Mar 2010, David Jordan wrote:
  > My guess is the manufacturer doesn?t have the technology or funding 
  > needed to build the cheaply made, significantly over priced crawling 
  > camera to operate in the GHz ranges.

  My bet is that the manufacturer got a deal on some 433MHz camera modules 
  from China.

  > Like BPL?this vendor will disappear once their venture capital has 
  > been all used up. The military may purchase some of these units but 
  > with tax revenues down nationally, for the next several years, I don?t 
  > think your local fire or police dept will be spending many dollars on 
  > this low value technology?

  Doesn't matter; the legal world is ruled by precedents. This sets an 
  unhealthy one. And NTIA/Military has spoken up on the matter -- did 
  you see the section in the order where the device would not be operated 
  within so many miles of several AFBs, which are known to house PAVE-PAWS 

  Kris Kirby, KE4AHR
  Disinformation Analyst


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