At 04:43 AM 04/28/10, you wrote:

>--- In, Mike Morris WA6ILQ 
><wa6...@...> wrote:
> >> I've also been promised a DVD with a complete 1st-to-last issue
> > of 73 magazine, and another of Ham Radio (i.e. hr magazine).
> > No, I'm not going to put them up for download, but there are a few issues
> > from each that are worth posting once repeater-builder gets copyright
> > permission.
>Since you brought up posting old publications I was wondering if 
>anyone had any copies of The Cronicals of 76. As I recall they were 
>done by some early repeater builders in the 60's in 6 land. They 
>usually had technical and sometimes funny articles.
>Wayne, WA5LUY

At one point in time I actually had an archive copy of
the original manuscript in my hands...  I was over at
WA6KLAs house and my Motrac was on his bench....
Neil commented "see that box on top of the file
cabinet?" as he pointed at a box the size of a single
ream of copier paper.... "Open it and start reading".
An hour later I had read the whole thing, and my
Motrac was singing a healthy tune...
(I didn't have a spectrum analyzer then, and the
radio was throwing a spur on 147.765 when I keyed
down on 146.46... all it took was a 5 degree twist
on a particular multiplier slug, but a picture tube
certainly helps find which one...)

Anyway, supposedly the original got mailed off to Mike
Vand Den Branden for publication, one archive copy
ended up with Neil, another with Ken Sessions.
I lost track of Ken after he left 73. Unless it got pitched
his copy is still "out there" somewhere.  As I understand
it when Neil moved from Los Angeles to Portland his copy
was in one of the 8 or so file cabinets he took with him along
with his collection of Moto / GE / RCA / Dumont /
Fairchild / Comco / etc manuals.

If you can find someone with a set of both FM
Magazine and FM Bulletin you'd have a compleat a
set as anyone is going to have.  And if anyone has a
set and wouldn't mind scanning them... well... we
certainly have the server space.

The "Chronicles" is a piece of FM history that really
should not be lost... along with "It Happened In

I'm still a little pissed at my mom, and she's been gone
for over 25 years... I worked one summer at the Xerox
R&D building in Pasadena and had a 8x10 color photo
of the Puffin project team (the first really good color laser
printer).  I was one of the summer interns.  She was
housecleaning and pitched a bunch of stuff.  That photo
was in one of the boxes - along with my Teletype model
14, 15 and 33 repair manuals.


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