Had a similar request from a large church  that  I was working Midnight
Security for ,  They knew I was a Ham  and They ask if I could set them up a
FM Broadcast station  ,  so when they have Plays and Service  the Pastor
could have someone Translate it  to English  for the Spanish spacing  church
members   He would get some cheap FM type walkmans . 


I said sure  Have  you already applied for a lic  or have one , He stated oh
worry about that it will be low power  and they would  have Me find a clear
spot . 


Well I  politely told  them My Ham Radio Lic would be at risk  and I could
not do it ,  So they had someone get on E-Bay and ordered a 25 Watt FM
Transmitter and outside ant and have been on the Air for 2 Yrs . 


They have almost the coverage of My 2 Repeaters 


Good Luck 






PS  Being a nice Person and  helping do something illegal Can always come
back in bite you in your  A*&^  I do not know  of many Lic Two Way shops
that will risk their Lic to do stuff like This  , and Most  for some reason
Hate  Ham Radio Operators for some reason They think We carry ourselves as
knowing  Everything where in the heck would they get that idea  lol 



From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:repeater-buil...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of MCH
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 8:38 PM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] question for commercial radio shops



Explain to him that it's not legal, and tell him you would not be 
comfortable doing something that is not legal, as you could jeopardize 
your FCC license(s) which you have worked very hard to earn.

You can even show him the Part 95 rules where it has the limitations on 
what equipment you can use - including the part about the antennas being 

Joe M.

KD5SFA wrote:
> If a person whom you knew and is involved in a number
> of church youth camps activities asked you to program
> FRS frequencies into a 4w UHF HT type accepted for LMR
> would you do so ? It would only be for extended range
> at camp.
> My gut is to tell him no...
> Sorry for the slightly off topic post....I just need a 
> little extra thought on the subject...
> Bad thing is the person asking is the captain of my 
> Volunteer FD.
> 73,
> Jon


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