On 12/8/06, John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dag Wieers wrote:

> I have seen a slowdown with Fedora's anaconda as well when they switched
> to the yum backend instead of what they used before.

fwiw my upgrade a while go of my laptop (Tosh Sat 1400, 256 Mb, 60 Gbyte
fairly new drive) took a full overnight run - it was still going when I
got up. I don't recall how long before I went to bed, but I think it
took 12 hours.

Upgrade was FC3 to FC5, http.

Ouch.. probably the low memory usage and having to swap out stuff all
the time. Upgrades are extremely memory/cpu intensive :/.

Stephen J Smoogen. -- CSIRT/Linux System Administrator
How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed
in a naughty world. = Shakespeare. "The Merchant of Venice"

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