On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 08:36:09AM -0800, inode0 wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Ray Van Dolson <rvandol...@esri.com> wrote:
> > Some of this is a product RH acquired.  I know they are working to
> > replace the Windows version with a fully platform independent version,
> > that wasn't realistic for this initial release.
> >
> > I'm sure there was many an internal debate on whether or not to wait on
> > delivery until the Windows portion could be replaced... obviously they
> > decided it would be better to move to market sooner.
> I just wish they would release RHEV-H independently of RHEV-M.
> Wouldn't a KVM based Red Hat supported "ESXi" be great for the same
> reasons ESXi exists? For the smaller customers who don't really need
> RHEV-M or don't want to touch it in its current form to dip their feet
> into the water?
> Maybe I'm just dreaming ... because RHEV-H is pretty much all I want
> for some of my personal use cases.

Won't they essentially need to release RHEV-H anyways?  I guess not in
a pretty-packaged format, but it's just a stripped down Linux kernel

I guess it wouldn't include a "single node" version of RHEV-M though
(it requires Windows 2k3 currently), but perhaps RHEV-H is manageable
via libvirt?


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