On 01/12/2012 11:55 PM, Tim wrote:
> I'm with Chris on this one. I don't think RedHat are making BZ entries
> private to hide bugs from "competitors". I suspect it's because most of
> the bugs are logged by customers and contain private customer data that
> the customer would prefer not to be made public.

... would it then not also be great if just that specific info be
removed/replaced/anonymous rather than have the entire issue blocked
away ? This might not always be possible, but in a large number of cases
I'm guessing that it can be done.

Would that also somewhat reduce the number of dupes being filed ?

> In an ideal word RedHat would make a new public bug with just the
> description and no customer data but suspect that that would be
> impractical.

I agree, people who maintain the Bz's often tend to be the people doing
the work behind it as well, keeping things to as basic a level as
possible for them is good!

> If you really want to know about a bug; call your TAM or log a support
> case. I'm sure will give provide the details you require.

Also, once a specific bit of code that has
resolution/workaround/suppression of an issue - the corresponding issue
should be public and available. That does not always happen, and it
would be nice if it did.

Karanbir Singh
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