Dear Rietvelds,


I recently find several manuscript that show some results about the cationic
distribution on composition (Zn1-xCox)Fe2O4 using Rietveld method
implemented on programs as MAUD, FULLPROF or GSAS. I am regular user of some
of them and I can carry out this type of refinement when a tetrahedral
and/or octahedral site contains only two different elements but I do not
know how to perform when both interstices have the three different elements
(Co, Zn and Fe), because I have only 5 equations, using composition and
occupancy site relations, which 4 constrains are derivate from. Being 6
partial occupation necessary, I think that 2 parameters will refine but I
have no idea how can write the equations in the previous programs. Could a
brilliant mind send me the corresponding script (for example in Fullprof)?
I greatly appreciate your help.


Kind regards,


Dr. David Martínez Blanco.

Técnico de la Unidad de Medidas Magnéticas

Servicios Científico-Técnicos, Universidad de Oviedo

Escuela Politécnica de Mieres

C/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, sn

33600, Mieres (Asturias), SPAIN.

Tel.: (+34) 985 45 8000 (Ext.5824)

Móv.:  (+34) 656 270 659



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