Dear Jin Peng,

that is a bit time consuming, but possible.
I suggest reading NIST SRM certificates, they contain description of sampling, 
data collection and treatment.
For example, LaB6:
That should give you a general idea.

Kind regards,
Eduard Levin

From: Peng, Jin 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 6:44 AM
Subject: error bars of lattice parameters

Dear all,


I was required by an referee to “provide an accurate and thorough accounting of 
the experimental error on the lattice parameters”. My lattice parameters are 
taken from Rietveld refinement of powder XRD and from Neutron scattering 
measurements. I can only get error bars from the fitting program. How should I 
account all errors in the experimental process?




Jin Peng


Nanjing University

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