People, I'm pretty sure that some people on the list are able to answer this. I know you all are busy, so am I. I'd really appreciate it that when there are mailing list posts that you are able to answer, that you do so. It takes some load of my shoulders and allows me to work more on the framework itself.

I know that I'm partly to blame for this since I usually respond within minutes to any message that's written here, so this hasn't really become a 'community mailing list', more a support channel. It would be great though to try to morph this mailing list into something more community like. This just takes a little effort from everyone and makes it so much 'lighter' for me.


On 09 Apr 2007, at 12:50, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:

I am wondering, why should I use the RIFE db abstraction instead of say Hibernate or iBatis?


Geert Bevin
Terracotta -
Uwyn "Use what you need" -
RIFE Java application framework -
Music and words -

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