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Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings-on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

Excellent news from CMP, publishers of "The Perl Journal." As you'll
no doubt remember, TPJ was bought and integrated into "SysAdmin"
magazine, and then ceased to exist. Well, it's back.

CMP is relaunching "The Perl Journal" as a monthly online ezine,
for the extremely reasonable price of $1 per issue. That's right,
$12 for a year's subscription. My contacts there say that if they
can raise 2,500 subscriptions, the project will go ahead, and that TPJ
may, in the future, again have a print edition. The Web site should
be available tomorrow:

Geoff Young has noticed that mod_perl usage is going up and up,
according to the latest Security Space server survey: although
mod_php is still in the lead with usage on 39 percent of servers, it
seems to be falling, while mod_perl has shot up by 20 percent to 37
percent of servers. Big thanks to people like Stas Bekman and Doug
McEachern, whose solid
work on mod_perl has almost certainly contributed to this trend:

Slashdot interviewed Larry Wall last week, and his answers are up
now; Larry talks about Perl 6, the role of Perl as a scripting
language, and how his relationship with Jesus has shaped Perl:

And finally, do you want to meet other Perl folk but don't
have a Perl Mongers group nearby? Well, you could either start
one, or you could sign up for the Perl Meetup taking place next
Thursday, September 19th:

* What's new on

There are roughly four bazillion books on Perl and CGI available
at the moment; one of the most recent is Brent Michalski and Kevin
Meltzer's "Writing CGI Applications with Perl." Kevin and Brent are
long-standing members of the Perl community--can they do justice
to this troublesome topic? Find out in this month's book review:

Piers Cawley brings us another exciting episode of the Perl 6
summary, with news of the current release and some goals for the
next; tidying up the tinderbox builds; long debates about
hypothetical variables; how to bring more Parrot hackers into the
fold; and, as usual, a lot more besides...

And for this week's feature article, Michael Schilli gives us a
demonstration of a new logging module--Log::Log4perl is a port
of the log4j architecture beloved of Java programmers. But even
though it was designed by Java programmers, it still has some
useful ideas that can help you when you're debugging your
programs. Read on...

Simon Cozens

O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference
Sept 30-Oct 3, 2002, Santa Clara, CA
Get your Mac OS X credentials from these leaders and innovators:
James Gosling, Jordan Hubbard, Wilfredo Sanchez Vega, David Pogue,
Sal Soghoian, Stuart Cheshire, Tim O'Reilly, and more.

*** Featured Articles ***

Retire your debugger, log smartly with Log::Log4perl!
Michael Schilli describes a new way of adding logging facilities
to your code, with the help of the log4perl module--a port of
Java's log4j.


Writing CGI Applications with Perl
There are roughly four bazillion books on Perl and CGI available
at the moment; one of the most recent is Brent Michalski and Kevin
Meltzer's Writing CGI Applications with Perl. Kevin and Brent are
long-standing members of the Perl community - can they do justice
to this troublesome topic? Find out in this month's book review!


This week on Perl 6 (9/1 - 9/8, 2002)
Goals for the next release, arrays and hashes, hypothetical
variables, getting more Parrot hackers, and a load besides...


Going Up?
Perl 5.8.0 brought stable threading to Perl - but what does it
mean and how can we use it? Get a lift with Sam Tregar as he
creates a multi-threaded simulation.


The Fusion of Perl and Oracle
Andy Duncan, the coauthor of Perl for Oracle DBAs, explains that
Perl's symbiosis with the Oracle database helped in constructing
the Perl DBA Toolkit. He also ponders what Ayn Rand might have
thought of these two strange bedfellows.


This week on Perl 6 (8/26 - 9/1, 2002)
More talk of garbage collection, the never-ending keys debate,
Parrot 0.0.8, lots and lots about regular expressions, and a good
deal more...

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