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Hello, world! This is Simon Cozens, managing editor,
bringing you the latest goings on from the world of Perl and our
own site.

* Perl at large.

Well, of course the big news this week is that it's Yet Another
Perl Conference this week in Munich; be sure to check up with the
regular journals from the delegates. Leon Brocard's even putting
up video journals...

The Perl Review has come out with a wonderful Perl-at-a-glance
page, containing the updated version of Jon Orwant's programming
language Sucks-Rules-o-meter. (Perl doesn't suck very much, but
unfortunately it appears not to rock as much as PHP...) TPR is
also asking for subscriptions at $12 for four issues.

And finally, we've talked about Perl 6 for the past two years;
now how about running some? Leon Brocard's slides from his recent
London Perl Mongers talk tells you what you can do and how to do

* What's new on

Web browsers are ubiquitous these days - it's hard to find a
machine without one. To make use of a web browser, you need a web
server, and they are simple enough to write that you can stick
them almost anywhere.  So when you've got an application you need
to monitor, what better way to do it than to embed a web server
in it? Robert Spier shows us how it's done.

We don't have a Perl 6 summary for you right now, but Piers
promises me there'll be one arriving real soon now. So until
next week, enjoy.

Simon Cozens

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*** Featured Articles ***

Embedding Webservers
Web browsers are ubiquitous these days - it's hard to find a
machine without one. To make use of a web browser, you need a
web server, and they are simple enough to write that you can
stick them almost anywhere.


Retire your debugger, log smartly with Log::Log4perl!
Michael Schilli describes a new way of adding logging facilities
to your code, with the help of the log4perl module - a port of
Java's log4j.


Writing CGI Applications with Perl
There are roughly four bazillion books on Perl and CGI available
at the moment; one of the most recent is Brent Michalski and Kevin
Meltzer's Writing CGI Applications with Perl. Kevin and Brent are
long-standing members of the Perl community - can they do justice
to this troublesome topic? Find out in this month's book review!


This week on Perl 6 (9/1 - 9/8, 2002)
Goals for the next release, arrays and hashes, hypothetical
variables, getting more Parrot hackers, and a load besides...


Going Up?
Perl 5.8.0 brought stable threading to Perl - but what does it
mean and how can we use it? Get a lift with Sam Tregar as he
creates a multi-threaded simulation.


The Fusion of Perl and Oracle
Andy Duncan, the coauthor of Perl for Oracle DBAs, explains that
Perl's symbiosis with the Oracle database helped in constructing
the Perl DBA Toolkit. He also ponders what Ayn Rand might have
thought of these two strange bedfellows.

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