It works!! (umm.. i think... It seems to work for my tests...)

I have attached the diff if you want to have a look, all it does is
show my test menu which is just the shuffle option twice.. but it
proves it works...

The problem with the whole thing is its a bit messy to add an option...
i.e for the shuffle option the folliowing is needed...
static const struct opt_items bool_onoff[] =
{{STR(LANG_OFF)},{STR(LANG_ON)}}; <- this will only be done once, so
no big deal
static const struct option_item shuffle_option = {
&global_settings.playlist_shuffle, NULL, (const struct
opt_items**)&bool_onoff,0,0,0,0,0,0}; <- needed so set_option() can
static const struct menu_item_ex shuffle_mode = {
needed for the menu item
then &shuffle_mode must go in a menu_item_ex array..
So, is that easier than doing functions for every setting?
Im going to play with #define's to hopefully make all that a bit
smaller, but i dont know how well that will work.

please comment.

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