On 25/08/06, Jonathan Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Right, well I've been tweaking it a bit and I think its now useable...
attached is the diff which starts adding the sound and playback
menus.. (i've ben testing on the ipod sim, and it compiles

So just quickly, I want to explain the difference between adding a
menu item in the current and this system..

First to make a menu 2 variables are needed.
static const struct menu_item_ex *main_menu_items[] =
{&sound_menu_items, &playback_items};
static const struct menu_item_ex main_menu = {MT_MENU,

The first is a list of all the items in this menu (they can be
sub-menus, or options, or functions to call.)
The next just puts it all together so it can be used. Compare that to
settings_menu.c where the list of items is needed anyway (but they are
either NULL or a function to call) and ~3 functions are called to run
the menu)

And to actually add a option to a menu you need (for the CHOICE and
BOOL options) an array of struct opt_items (which is needed in the old
system also, so no big deal, BOOL will be able to reuse its array so
its not so bad). Then you need to use one of the MAKE_*_OPT macros to
create the 2 vairables needed.
Lastly, you need to add the variable created by the macro to an array
holding a list of items.. (e.g the main_menu_items above).
Whereas in the old system you had to create a function which was
called by the menu that had to call set_option (or similar).

So, what do you think?

And the last reply for the day...
I'v just added another macro to make adding menus much easier...

#define MAKE_MENU( name, str, id, ... )             \
   s##tatic const struct menu_item_ex *name##_[]  = {__VA_ARGS__};   \
   s##tatic const struct menu_item_ex name = {MT_MENU, { name##_},
sizeof( name##_)/sizeof(*name##_),str,id};

MAKE_MENU(playback_menu, "Playback Menu",0, &shuffle ,&repeat); will
create a menu variable names playback_menu whith the name "Playback
Menu", with the shuffle and repeat options in it.

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