[scroll down for English version]

Hallo rohrpostler,

Klimawandel, Migration und Digitalisierung: Das sind die großen
Herausforderungen in der gegenwärtigen Phase der Globalisierung. Wie
können wir ihnen begegnen? In ihrem 20. Jahr beleuchtet die Berliner
Gazette unter dem Motto MORE WORLD kommunale Praktiken, die sich diesen
planetarischen Herausforderungen stellen.

Lest unten in der Mail über alle Details oder auf dieser
englischsprachigen Webseite: https://more-world.berlinergazette.de

*Kick-off Events*
Das MORE WORLD-Projekt wird mit zwei Veranstaltungen lanciert. Zuerst
ein Event am 24. Januar um 19 Uhr mit der Soziologin und
Schriftstellerin Avery F. Gordon. Mehr Infos hier:
https://bit.ly/2CoSaZQ Daraufhin wird am 3. Februar um 13 Uhr ein Event
im Rahmen der transmediale im Haus der Kulturen der Welt stattfinden,
darunter mit der Menschenrechtlerin Abiol Lual Deng, dem
Performancekünstler Alexander Karschnia und der Journalistin Magdalena
Taube. Mehr Infos hier: https://bit.ly/2MboNir

*Call for Contributions*
Das MORE WORLD-Projekt lädt ein, gemeinsam kommunale Werkzeuge für
planetarische Herausforderungen zu untersuchen. Wir spüren aktuell eine
große Dringlichkeit, alle möglichen Fallstudien sowie kleine und große
Beispiele der breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Dafür
schaffen wir innerhalb unserer Internetzeitung berlinergazette.de einen
eigenen Bereich (https://bit.ly/2Hrfufk): ein redaktionell betreutes
Forum für ForscherInnen, AktivistInnen, KünstlerInnen, JournalistInnen,
KulturarbeiterInnen, ProgrammiererInnen, etc. Sie und alle denkbaren
WissensproduzentInnen sowie ExpertInnen des Alltags sind eingeladen
Beiträge im Umfang von 10.000 Zeichen zum MORE WORLD-Themenschwerpunkt
beizutragen: Essay, Berichte, Interviews, etc. Die Deadline: 29. April
2019. Einreichungen unter: info(at)berlinergazette.de
Mehr zu den Fragestellungen des MORE WORLD-Projekts im Einleitungsessay
hier: https://bit.ly/2TNAjD6

Höhepunkt des MORE WORLD-Projekts wird die Berliner
Gazette-Jahreskonferenz sein, die vom 10.-12.10.2019 im Zentrum für
Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) stattfinden soll. Save the Date! Die
Berliner Gazette (BG) wird ForscherInnen, AktivistInnen, CoderInnen und
JournalistInnen einladen, um kommunale Praktiken zu erkunden, die sich
planetarischen Herausforderungen stellen. Es Diskussionen und
kollaborative Prozesse angestoßen werden und im Zuge dessen nicht
zuletzt gemeinsame Projekte entstehen. Mehr zur Konferenz wird auf
dieser Webseite (https://more-world.berlinergazette.de) ab April
verfügbar sein.

Viele Grüße,


English version


climate change, migration and digitalization: these are the greatest
challenges in the current phase of globalization. How can we meet them?
In its 20th year, the Berliner Gazette, under the motto MORE WORLD, is
highlighting communal practices that confront these planetary
challenges. To this end, a special section in our Internet newspaper
berlinergazette.de will be open for contributions from all over the
world. Moreover, we will organize a series of events. The MORE WORLD
project will culminate in the BG annual conference, which will take
place at the Center for Arts and Urbanistics (ZK/U) on October 10-12, 2019.

Learn more about it on the project’s website
(https://more-world.berlinergazette.de) or continue reading further below.

Join BG’s 20th anniversary initiative on communal tools for planetary
challenges! #climatechange #migration #digitalization

*Introductory Essay*
The BG’s 20th anniversary project MORE WORLD invites you to explore
together with us communal tools for planetary challenges. An
introductory essay* describes the ideas of the project and presents the
questions to which we wish to invite readers to contribute. You can read
the German version on Berliner Gazette (https://bit.ly/2TNAjD6). The
English version is made available by our international media partners:
Mediapart in France (https://bit.ly/2STl2AH), openDemocracy in England
(https://bit.ly/2TS8jyq) and transversal in Austria
(https://bit.ly/2AOz0wC). Feel free to re-publish or translate the text

*Call for Contributions*
We sense a great urgency now to make all sorts of case studies and small
and large examples accessible to ordinary people. To this end, we have
created a special section in our Internet newspaper
https://berlinergazette.de. This is an open forum to which writers,
researchers, activists, artists, journalists and all kinds of other
producers of (subjugated) knowledge are invited to contribute reports,
essays, interviews, etc. Text length: 10.000 characters. Submission
deadline: April 29, 2019. Mail us under info(at)berlinergazette.de

*Kick-off Events*
The Berliner Gazette will launch the MORE WORLD project with two events
at the beginning of 2019. On January 24th at 7 p.m. a lecture by
internationally influential sociologist and writer Avery F. Gordon at
the commons project space Supermarkt, Mehringplatz 9, 10969 Berlin. More
info here (https://bit.ly/2CoSaZQ). On February 3rd at 1 p.m. a
transmediale-panel with the humanitarian policy consultant Abiol Lual
Deng, the performance artist Alexander Karschnia and the journalist
Magdalena Taube at the House of World Cultures/Café Global,
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin. More info here

*BG Annual Conference*
The MORE WORLD project will culminate in the BG annual conference, which
will take place at the Center for Arts and Urbanistics (ZK/U) on Oct.
10-12, 2019. Save the date! To tackle the key issues of the project, the
BG will create a three-day program, including lectures, workshops and
performances. More than 500 people in total are expected to attend the
events. The workshops – arguably the heart of the conference – will
bring together activists, researchers and cultural workers from more
than 20 countries. The BG will invite key actors from the international
scene to form the core of the workshops, and will issue a call for the
general public to register. You will learn about it on this site in the
spring: https://more-world.berlinergazette.de 

*About BG*
The Berliner Gazette (BG) is a nonprofit and nonpartisan team of
journalists, researchers, artists and coders. We experiment with and
analyze emerging cultural as well as political practices. Since 1999 we
have been publishing berlinergazette.de under a Creative Commons License
– with more than 1,000 contributors from all over the world – as well as
organizing conferences and editing books. Latest BG projects include:
2018: Ambient Revolts (https://bit.ly/2PfOdPV) – BG con | 2017: Signals
(https://bit.ly/2Fu6btc) – Exhibition | A Field Guide to the Snowden
Files (https://bit.ly/2VWzMkn) – Book | Friendly Fire
(https://bit.ly/2HmVJFE) – BG con | 2016: Tacit Futures
(https://bit.ly/2FxywhG) – BG con | 2015: UN|COMMONS
(https://bit.ly/2QRqnXz) – BG con | 2012: BQV. Büro für Qualifikation
und Vermögen (https://bit.ly/2Hdwo16) – Documentary | 2006: McDeutsch
(https://bit.ly/2D9sDpk) – Book

*Spread the word*

Forward this email to peers!

Post the following on social media:
MORE WORLD! Join BG’s 20th anniversary initiative on communal tools for
planetary challenges! #climatechange #migration #digitalization

Re-Tweet this:

Stay tuned,
Krystian (for the BG team)

* We would like to thank a great number of people who, at different
stages of the production of the MORE WORLD introductory essay mentioned
above, contributed important feedback or provided inspiration. Special
thanks to members of the BG team, as well as BG authors and associates,
including Tatiana Abarzua, Louise Amoore, Kerry Bystrom, James Bridle,
Nancy Chapple, Abiol Lual Deng, Leonie Geiger, Max Haiven, Alexander
Karschnia, Florian Kosak, Sven Lütticken, Tomislav Medak, Marta Peirano,
Chris Piallat, Nina Pohler, Magdalena Taube, Edward Viesel, Harsha Wailia.


BG – Berliner Gazette | since 1999 | http://berlinergazette.de


BG’s 20th anniversary project MORE WORLD









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