I downloaded and tried out rc6 - here's what I found.

In WEB-INF/velocity/weblog.vm, there is the following entry in the
showWeblogEntryComments macro.

               <a href="$url.comment($entry.anchor, $comment.timestamp)"
                  class="entrypermalink" title="$text.get(
"macro.weblog.commentpermalink.title" )">#</a>

However, there's no <a name="$comment.anchor"></a> to match this.
That means # links are presented to the user, but nothing happens when
you click on them.

Also, I noticed that rc3 had:

create table roller_tasklock (
   id              varchar(48)   not null primary key,
   name            varchar(255)  not null,
   islocked        tinyint(1) default 0,
   timeacquired    datetime NULL,
   timeleased       integer,
   lastrun         datetime NULL
create index rtl_taskname_idx on roller_tasklock( name );

Whereas rc6 has:

create table roller_tasklock (
   id              varchar(48)   not null primary key,
   name            varchar(255)  not null,
   islocked        tinyint(1) default 0,
   timeacquired    datetime NULL,
   timeleased       integer,
   lastrun         datetime NULL
alter table roller_tasklock add constraint rtl_name_uq unique ( name(40) );

In other words, the older version had "create index" and the latest
has "alter table".  Do I need to make this change to my database, or
is the change from rc3 sufficient?



On 3/14/07, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jon Stevens downloaded RC5, tested and found a couple of bugs in the
new File Upload sub-folder feature, so I fixed that and couple of
footer links.

Now we have RC6

And the updated change list here

Download, test and please VOTE!

- Dave


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