On 3/19/07, Allen Gilliland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
4. I think the content-type control should work differently than you
described.  I think the only 2 options should be "automatic" and
"manual".  So for automatic content-type it would work exactly how it
does now where we ask the appserver for the content type based on the
link value and text/html is the default.  For manual we just provide a
textfield for the user to specify whatever they want.  Default would be
for automatic content-type detection.  And with the automatic
content-type detection we would actually do that at the time the form is
submitted rather than at rendering time like we do now.

OK. I committed this work and got your change #4 in, but...

We need some way to determine that a WeblogTemplate uses a "manual"
vs. an "automatic" content-type.  I mean, if we fill in the
content-ype field at form-post time how will we know that it's an
automatically detected one or a manually entered one?

If we really want the content-type to be determined at form post time
rather than content rendering time, then we'll need a new field
WeblogTemplate.autoContentType. I didn't go that route. Instead, a
null content type indicates that automatic content type detection
should be done. Or maybe you've got another idea.

Think this warrants a new autoContentType database field?

- Dave

Dave wrote:
> This is a proposal to make some minor usability and functionality
> improvements to the UI of the Template Editor pages. The functionality
> improvements allow a user to set the content-type and language for a
> page, with together make it possible to take advantage of the Roller
> rendering system's pluggable renderers.
> Screen-shots included in proposal:
> Please review, I'd like to commit this work this week.
> - Dave

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